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Inflammation Reducing


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Cleans Razor & Skin

Shaving Gel

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Moisture Trapping

Sealant Cream

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What is Bump Serum

Aiming To Achieve?

The Bump Serum aims to reduce razor bumps in men of color. Nearly 60% of all razor bump patients are African American or darker skinned males who generally have course and curly hairs. Depilatories, electric shavers, clippers, and toxic aftershaves can damage the skin, cause allergic reactions, or lead to severe dehydration, so we developed a three-product shaving system that will mitigate razor bumps until your skin is smooth.

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How Do Our Products

Actually Work?

We learned that one of the root causes of pseudofolliculitis barbae, or razor bumps, is inflammation, and since there are so many causes of inflammation during the shaving process, we narrowed our focus on reducing it. Short, curly hair with sharp tips can grow back into the skin, creating ingrown hairs and razor bumps. These bumps may become infected, leading to further inflammation, but The Bump Serum’s products contain natural ingredients that reduces inflammation while moisturizing the skin for new hairs to grow through the skin without curling back in. This has routinely resulted in smoother skin.

$45 For First Order

30 Day Supply

Includes shaving gel, aftershave, sealant cream, delivered in a sturdy reusable rigid box.

Optional $36 Bump Replenishment Kit

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Eco-Friendly Containers

Your first order will be delivered in a sturdy reusable rigid box. All subsequent subscription orders will be shipped in an eco-friendly disposable pouch.